Jessica Gillis, C.M.T.
Cert # 20741

About Me

Over ten years ago, I began my journey with massage therapy and holistic medicine after a very difficult time in my life. I stumbled upon massage and was instantly drawn to the satisfaction I received from playing a part in making others happier and healthier. That spark turned into a huge flame that has contributed to many of the decisions I have made since. 

Of all the twists and turns that I have been humbled by and grew through, the desire to serve others has remained constant. I find it remarkably easy to pour much of my heart into loving, serving, and helping people.

I am a truly blessed wife, mother, and entrepreneur. I thank God every day for the gifts He has given me, and through His guidance, I have discovered the importance of finding a balance in the focus of my precious resources - Time and Love. 

It’s so easy to try to be everything to everyone, especially to our family and friends. This tendency happens because those of us who express love through service tend to neglect bestowing that same amount of time and love into ourselves. But when we are intentional about also focusing on ourselves, through time in His Word and from a place of rest and relaxation, we can then turn our attention to others with bounding abundance.